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Kristen Fewel

Keep up your practice (or enhance it) with private sessions

Yours is a highly personal yoga practice, even when we practice in a group. The positive energy we get from a group can motivate and bolster our spirits, but when life gets in the way, we need to remember what we've learned to practice on our own. The only way to get the benefits of doing yoga is to DO the yoga, and sometimes that means getting a professional to design a sequence and support you in your efforts to practice it. Private sessions are a good option when a group class is not appropriate for your health, or your schedule does not allow for a fixed schedule. Here's what goes on in a private session:

At the beginning, the teacher will do an intake consultation to find out if you have any medical issues or physical limitations. The teacher also wants to know what reasons or goals you have for coming to meet with them. We want to know what motivates you to continue the practice, but safety is also a primary consideration when designing an asana and pranayama (movement & breathing) sequence.

After the consultation, the teacher will guide you through a series of postures, some of which you may consider “easy” and some, more difficult. Through communication with you, the teacher will design a sequence noting your needs for improvement, and some poses included that are purely for relaxation. The teacher is there to not only guide you breath by breath, but also to move blankets and props around however you need them for comfort, or to enhance a posture that you otherwise could not achieve by yourself.

A week following your initial session, an easy-to-follow written sequence will be provided to you. Weekly or monthly follow up visits are recommended to assist your progress and to learn new poses and breathing sequences to reflect your recovery and growth.

Introductory sessions are $49. Follow up sessions are $80/hr or $225 for 3 sessions ($75/hr). Call us at 714-404-2576 to set an appointment or discuss how a private session may benefit you.

Kristen Fewel, Yoga Educator, Reiki Master

Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts


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