I am pleased as punch that my father, at 67 years old, is now practicing yoga. For Father's Day he asked me to make him a video so that he can practice and limber up a little before he goes to a group class at the gym. Since I am not much of a video person (yet), and he's not quite a yoga person (yet), I love that he can keep inspiring me to do new things by trying new things himself!
You're never too old to start yoga, and I'm not done learning how to expand how I teach. We challenge each other with simple requests, and I can hardly ever refuse him. I always want to support his efforts to learn and grow, and I respect these efforts in my clients and students.
Here's a couple of FAQ's for new students:
Question: Can you benefit from yoga even when you're not doing yoga?
Research says "Yes!" Because the following benefits occur not only when you are doing yoga, but there are cumulative effects when an appropriate practice is done over time.
1. Yoga raises the levels of the brain chemical GABA, related to lower incidence of depressions. [PsychologyToday.com]
2. Release less of a tension-triggered cytokine, a protein associated with inflammation. [Ohio State University article]
3. Lower blood pressure. [""Twelve weeks of [hatha] yoga produces clinically meaningful improvements in 24 hour systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. " from the Journal of Clinical Hypertension], 2016]
As your body and mind work more in harmony, notice how your perspective changes on issues of the past. I encourage you not to dwell on the issues, but to notice if your practice has made it easier to see what really was the issue, and how a "go with the flow" attitude can help let things fall into place-- even when they're not perfect, because let's face it, nothing needs to be perfect for life to be good!
Yoga perhaps cannot break the space-time continuum, but these three combined effects can help make you a well-balanced person in harmony with your work, relationships, and your health-- so that's yoga working into the future! Put the plan in place to make yourself a priority, and see how the people around you are more in harmony with you and the energy you bring to the party!